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Pre-Opening Services

When we are engaged to provide Pre-Opening Services, there are a wide range of activities that we will undertake as the owners representative. Normally, the services are provided with a Hotel Management Agreement (HMA) in place for the operating management of the hotel. Although our objective would be to earn the opportunity to manage the property, we will provide pre-opening services from the perspective of the eventual operator whether or not an HMA is in place to ensure the best possible decisions and recommendations are made.

The first order of business is to establish a pre-opening timeline that flows backwards from the planned opening date. Where possible this timeline will allow for the orderly recruitment and training of management and staff, the development of a comprehensive marketing, sales and public relations plan (based on a detailed competitive market set survey), provision for a formal staff induction and training period, as well as a soft-opening period prior to commercial opening.

Specific activities during the pre-opening phase include the development of the vision and mission statements, along with the unique selling points of the property (USPs) based on a comparison of the property’s possibilities versus the competitive market set and planning for pre-opening sales activities and tours.

In addition, a full review of local labor market wages and benefits, local labor law, staff housing and expat visa requirements if needed and any other local standards, laws, regulations, licenses and/or requirements that need to be addressed. Once the wages and benefits required to be competitive have been established, the advertisement, recruiting, selection and training of staff begins.

Other required actions during the pre-opening phase include continued coordination with the construction team, development of the procedures and standards required for operation, establishing vendor relationships, purchasing and receiving inventories and ultimately preparing the staff and finished product for opening.

In addition, we would meet with operational management on a regular basis to maintain a current and accurate understanding of sales, marketing, guest satisfaction, staff morale and property maintenance. This phase requires regular visits to the property, monitoring the property’s operating expenses, evaluating staff training, reporting possible labor issues and providing ownership with timely reports and advice with regards to the operation of the property.